Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an important aspect of life and living in todays world. Over the past 13 years of practicing as a marriage counselor, therapist and coach, i’ve discovered that.. …”between 15% to 23 % of all the cases i encountered within an entire year was always…
Soji, 40, and Maureen, 41, (I’m guessing you are a regular and already know the names are all fictitious) in-session are sitting down and trying to hear what the other person has to say first. It was a bit tough at the onset but their therapist was experienced and was…
200 Couple “Must-Ask” Questions. Whether you are a new couple, or you’ve been a couple for years and years, we’ve got loads of questions for couples that will be perfect for getting a great conversation going. Some questions are more serious than others so have a look through and see…
Losing anything of value is never easy. Coping with grief and loss must be done your right way. Sadly, there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Regardless of the type of loss you are faced with, the only thing required is that you understand the stages of grief…
Seated in a cool family-friendly joint, it was time for our cheesy delight. As the waiter arrived with the creamy, stretchy beauty it’s aroma had my stomach churning with expectancy, the kids were all excited and their mum too. Just as we were about to dig in, my 13-year old…
Marriage was never meant to be survived. It was meant to be enjoyed, cherished and exciting even with its here and there challenges. As a much younger therapist i would not have attempted a write-up with this title but with age comes new realities. Living in a happy marriage means…
A phobia is an overwhelming fear of something that does not pose any real danger to you in any way. Even if this thing poses any form of danger, the victims response to it is usually exaggerated or out of this world. People who have these phobias have no idea that…
Affairs and how to recover from it A sexual relationship with a person(s) who isn’t your spouse is Adultery. This relationship could be emotional or not. An emotional affair with anyone who isn’t your spouse is also adultery in a more concealed form. This happens when a person turns to…
This write-up on herpes, it’s spread both in Nigeria and globally happens to be something I decided to discuss owing to it’s prevalence. It’s spreading, has no cure and yet has not been given adequate attention. Having witnessed first-hand the negativity and life-drowning potential a positive herpes test result could…
It’s become quite fashionable for partners to make accusations of narcissism against their spouse. After a few years of speaking to clients from all works of life, it’s become quite obvious to me that we all possess narcissistic tendencies. These accusations are often defense mechanisms created to absolve the accuser…