Category: <span>Our Blog</span>

Eating Disorders body image struggles written by Temple Obike

Breaking Down the Stigma of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. Yet, despite their prevalence, there is still a strong stigma surrounding them. This stigma often leads to misconceptions and judgement towards those struggling with these disorders. One aspect that adds to the stigma is the focus on…
Advice from divorced women on what you need to know before marriage.

Advice from 7 divorced women on what you need to know before marriage

7 divorced women and their advice on what you need to know before marriage is an important one for me. While researching on a topic i stumbled on the most realistic piece i had ever seen, This was advice given by divorced women on what to consider before getting married.…
Toxic Relationships : The Toxic, The Victim & The Solution by Temple Obike

Toxic Relationships : The Toxic, The Victim & The Solution

Recognizing “Toxic relationships: the toxic, the victim & the solution” is our topic for today. This is simply because the number of cases emanating from toxicity in relationships is on an upward swing with relationships and marriages crashing all around. We want to love and be loved in return by…

Why Does My Partner Lie a Lot. Learn How to Handle This.

Why Does My Partner Lie a Lot. Learn How to Handle This. Remember how as a single person in search of your true love you had a wish-list. At the top of that wish-list you wanted someone who was an excellent storyteller and performer. Someone who could captivate you, make…
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