I researched and gathered some Facts about Cheating i think couples and partners Should Know About. Cheating or Infidelity is one of the gravest offences encountered in a normal relationship .It’s a topic caught up in a lot of smokes and screens. If i smile at the waiter as she…
The Persona You Created to Blend In is learnt at a very tender age. The word “Persona” means “Mask” in Greek. We all learnt that a certain acceptable behavioral pattern exists. A pattern that works well through your adolescent years and early adulthood. Unfortunately, there is an unfortunate ending to…
There are Hidden Dangers on Social Media “The Dark Web”. I believe in the importance and role of social media in our lives today. At the click of a button we are anywhere in the world, connected to anyone and clinching business deals from the world over. It’s truly one…
Affairs and how to recover from it A sexual relationship with a person(s) who isn’t your spouse is Adultery. This relationship could be emotional or not. An emotional affair with anyone who isn’t your spouse is also adultery in a more concealed form. This happens when a person turns to…
The bravest ones among us are the ones who truly are not afraid to confront their problems ( betrayal, cheating, infidelity, affairs) and seek help. In a world where everyone learns news ways to hide their true self even from the people closest to them, these people below are the…
Today topic is on “Smiling Depression, Caged Behind a Smile With a Killer”. When you meet and regularly talk to clients from different backgrounds and different experiences, The first lesson i learnt is to NEVER stop at a smile. I might sound a bit cold but it’s better to appreciate…
Dying flowers are all around us. Once happy spouses who over time become resentful, bitter, angry, depressed and lonely. A flower unattended to will die. Emotions that are not intentionally cultivated will quench. There’s something so simple yet so effective. It will keep the embers burning in your relationship. The…
How did we get here, this painful messy question that comes up almost everyday of my life during couple counselling. As tempting as it may be, i can NOT create an exact formula for this question. The reason is simply because every relationship is unique. Just like the fingerprints on…