Affairs and how to recover from it A sexual relationship with a person(s) who isn’t your spouse is Adultery. This relationship could be emotional or not. An emotional affair with anyone who isn’t your spouse is also adultery in a more concealed form. This happens when a person turns to…
This write-up on herpes, it’s spread both in Nigeria and globally happens to be something I decided to discuss owing to it’s prevalence. It’s spreading, has no cure and yet has not been given adequate attention. Having witnessed first-hand the negativity and life-drowning potential a positive herpes test result could…
It’s become quite fashionable for partners to make accusations of narcissism against their spouse. After a few years of speaking to clients from all works of life, it’s become quite obvious to me that we all possess narcissistic tendencies. These accusations are often defense mechanisms created to absolve the accuser…
9 Strong Confirmations You’re Having an Emotional Affair — And What to Do About It is today’s topic. An emotional affair is one of the subtlest affair types you could ever find yourself embroiled in. I see many men and women week in and out sit across and narrate how…
Today I will be discussing the four horsemen of marriages. Its raining woofs and meows this awesome Sunday morning and it looks like a quiet indoor worship day for myself and the family. For some strange reason, i remembered Sunday school and how I looked forward to reciting bible verses…
It isn’t strange to receive those random messages from individuals torn apart by the fact that their partner was cheating. They just caught their partner right at this very moment cheating. WHAT DO I DO NEXT? As a case study, we will use one that was really touching because it…
Workplace affairs may be easy to begin but it is a whirlwind of concerns that blows you no good. The dark, exciting and destructive world of workplace affairs Extramarital office affairs are actually more rampant than you think. With all the recent emergence of sexual misconduct in various professions, i…
Our topic for today is simply on How to Enjoy Your Holidays Even with Unresolved Issues . A turbulent marriage or relationship is already as tough as it gets and sometimes, having to leave the house every now and then to work provides the getaway couples need to cope with…
An affair partner who still speaks to your spouse or beloved is one that makes you lose sleep. It is already bad enough that your partner had an affair but now having to tolerate and almost plead with them to stop contacting their affair partner is literally “taking the piss”.…
Years ago, i remember a question in social psychology class on intimacy. We were supposed to describe this phenomenon and what it meant to us in just 3 words. 99.99% of the class came up with just 3 words. Sex, physical touch and kisses. Maybe we were a bunch of…