Today’s topic is a touchy one that many avoid or cover up with a lot of sentiments,religion etc. To confront the dark side of your personality and acknowledging the existence of a thing sometimes marks the beginning of mastering the thing, whatever the “thing” is for you. As easy as…
Beyond the boardroom, lies a life we all need to re-connect with. Late 2017, I felt a near burn-out experience regarding everything. My various businesses were on auto-pilot but I felt the deep longing for something else. Something adventurous that could revive a part of me I missed so much.…
There are Hidden Dangers on Social Media “The Dark Web”. I believe in the importance and role of social media in our lives today. At the click of a button we are anywhere in the world, connected to anyone and clinching business deals from the world over. It’s truly one…
Today topic is on “Smiling Depression, Caged Behind a Smile With a Killer”. When you meet and regularly talk to clients from different backgrounds and different experiences, The first lesson i learnt is to NEVER stop at a smile. I might sound a bit cold but it’s better to appreciate…
Pressure in all aspects of our life requires release. The tougher things get the more pressure many people find themselves under. The sad thing about pressure that if it isn’t properly managed, it could cause you to implode. When people drink, engage in excessive sexual behavior, strive for power or…
I must admit that some amazing friends do exist. Friends who stick closer than a sibling, let you be yourself without drama or judgement. It could also be your crew, those set of people that knows everything you feel, need, think because thats exactly where they are too. This is…
Kintsugi 金継ぎ, also known as Kintsukuroi (“golden repair”), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. We are all a sum total of our experiences or traumas. Some experiences form a major part of the person we are today…
Now is the appointed time and NOW is the only time you have. The next second isn’t guaranteed. So why leave for later what you can take one step towards achieving NOW? Leaving things for later has been the bane of so many individuals. Procrastination coupled with a ! Dreams…
Sometimes we ask for certain things but forget that those things come with a price. Pain before the Power, Grief before the Glory and the Pits before the Palace. Some requests we make gets things moving around so quickly to ensure it’s actualization but when things are fast-forwarded, it’s usually…
Everything about life comes at it’s appropriate time. However, many try to get things that belong to a different and later epoch of their life much earlier. This places burdens and health related issues on us. Depression, suicides, crime etc. are all spin-off’s of aborted destinies that lacked the patience…