Be Honest, Will You Marry You?

Honesty in all aspect of our lives is key. If we put ourselves on the scale we place others, we are most times found wanting. I have counselled both young and old individuals in need of life partners over these few years and many have a wishlist ready. He must be tall, dark, handsome and Spirit-filled” OR  “She must be a good cook, loyal, have a good job and a huge force to be reckoned with in the bedroom”. Amazing that you have a full picture of what you want in a partner but have you also worked towards becoming what someone else wants in a partner?

Put away your fat chequebook, cover up your fancy car, put some clothes over your endowed self because those are just the tip of the iceberg. Marriage takes two fulfilled people coming together to start a family and not one unfulfilled person looking to get fulfillment through marriage. Look into your self young man/woman and get it right with you before you start searching for Mr or Mrs. right.

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