Arrogance The Silent Door Shutter

Arrogance the silent door shutter.

Interviewing many candidates for a job opening opened up my eyes to the fact that the world we live in today has taught people to aspire for more with confidence without actually teaching them the “healthy” perspective on confidence. Many are growing up arrogant and self-absorbed erroneously believing themselves to be full of confidence. The “all by myself” mentality has eaten deep into the society and gradually eroding respect for authority, leaders, parents and much more.

As parents, teachers, wards etc we owe it to ourselves first and then the society at large to teach our children,students and the general public how to straddle that thin line between confidence and arrogance. Arrogance is the silent door shutter and has an offensive odour that can only be perceived by the people or persons we meet.

Voiced and compiled Obike Temple

A Counselor, psychotherapist, brand-Sage and entrepreneur who has counseled over two-hundred couples, individuals, substance abuse and grief-stricken clients.

For more information on related issues and to schedule an appointment with “Temple’s Counsel”  visit our counseling page, chat us up via our website or send a whatsapp message to +2348109055475. Appointments are scheduled within 24 hours. .

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