Loneliness Masked as Promiscuity

Loneliness Masked as Promiscuity

Summary Of The Case Studies

Client was an executive in one of the top banks in the UAE. She was the model child. Here's her story as we got it.


Hi Temple,

I am born to Egyptian and Saudi parents. I am a banker in – (the emirates) and manage a branch to one of the top banks in-country. I am married with children and my husband is a caring and loving father. My issue started in 2014 during a holiday in Greece. My husband and children came with me and on one of the days i went out with my kids to buy some groceries. I saw a bar where a couple of people were gathered and having some drinks and decided i was going to come back that evening with my husband after tucking our kids in since it was just across our hotel. Prior to this period, i’d like to mention that i had a very great upbringing, had siblings which i took care of, lived a sheltered life and both my parents were professionals, devout Muslims and i had never cheated in my marriage to him. That evening, my husband was neck deep in work and urged me to go out and have fun alone and maybe shop. I went out to the bar had a few drinks and for some inexplicable reason had a quick round of sex with a young man who had taken an interest in me and then to my amazement collected the 30 Euro he gave to me. I earn in 6 digits monthly but still i collected 30 euros. I got back after 2 hours and all was fine. Something changed in me that day Mr Temple. 

6 years later, i still have a happy home, an even bigger career but a problem i cannot talk to a professional within my city or in neighboring countries about. I now opt for professional courses internationally a few times every year and every time i travel, i allow myself get picked up at cheap local bars i choose by both male and females for painful sex bouts which i don’t feel guilty about. I always collect the money they pay me and this is never over 50 usd because i never want to go to areas where high earners would come to for the fear of running into someone i know or a client. I would like to know what your thoughts are on this Temple and if there’s a solution.

Daily Encountered Feelings

Some of the symptoms i struggled with were:

Therapies For This Case

Expert In This Case:

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Temple Obike

Psychologist & Therapist

In your case, all it took to release your shadow self was one moment of anonymity without everything else that has always kept you occupied and correct (Husband, kids, career and status). It was just you, a girl with a drink in her hand and a man with lust on his mind (something you may have imagined at odd times). Now the plot further thickens by collecting the $30 euros. That was your way of telling yourself that this affair was devoid of any form of intimacy with no room for continuity (transactional sex).

The release you felt after this encounter was far greater than the guilt. This was the only reason you decided to allow yourself slide into the path. You’ve also devised ways to ensure you never run into anyone within your circles of operation like going for cheap hotels, cheap fees etc. but one thing i’d like to say is this. You can never be too careful. Your only fear now is that your career & home life are great because you know you found an unhealthy way to keep ticking.. Something you know would crash real soon.

My honest advice is that you check into a sex rehabilitation centre around you that can offer you private help because it’s become an addiction and if you haven’t started already, you may soon feel the need to kill the emotional and physical pain through substance abuse. You can recover from this but you need to fight.. That fight might begin with taking a month-long leave from work. After which you can quietly get help, explain what you are going through to your husband or simply mask the reason for your therapy with something else such as improving your general well-being (Which wouldn’t be an all-out lie). On the other hand, if you can’t do it around your current location, i can create a 100-day accountability programme for you. If i can keep you engaged for 100 days, we may break that habit. A last piece of advice, if you have a daughter, don’t be tempted to dote too much on her imperfections all in an attempt to steer her away from what you battle. Stay Strong.  

Mode Of Treatment

A 100 Day Accountability Programme helped the client. The first step was to rebuild her self-esteem after which the habits were concentrated on as negative coping mechanisms were replaced by good (and healthy) ones. 

Further to this, it wasn’t difficult to re-integrate the client back to her work life.

CBT Technique: More and more research shows that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can have a direct impact on our health, and our physical health. can affect mental health. Your mind and body are linked. This helped the client recover fully and gradually reintegrate back into her life and career.

Treatment Results

This was an emotional paradox for me because it was the closest I had ever come to seeing pain co-exist with success.

After the treatment, CS4 first begun to place a lot more value on her person. She then conquered the need to have affairs and gradually an 100-day addiction recovery programme helped her put a total stop to her risky sexual behaviour.

Customer Reviews After Treatment

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“There was no review but we were happy in-house knowing that the right application of therapy went beyond racial borders if applied properly".

Case Studies Detail

Clients: CS 4
Expert Receipt Case: Temple Obike
Feelings Encountered: Low self-worth, drug use, risky sexual behaviour and demotivated approach to work
Treatment Time: 4 months
Treatment Costs: $ -
Resuilt: Successful Treatment
Other Details: A The first step was to rebuild her self-esteem after which the habits were concentrated on as negative coping mechanisms were replaced by good (and healthy) ones. recovery process to watch but teaches a lot about human resilience


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